Messages from the President

Message to Campus

Dear WWU faculty and staff,

As we close out this academic year, I want to take a moment to extend my sincere gratitude for your contributions to the WWU community.

Thank you for the inspiration and energy you invest in our students and for making Western a welcoming and inspiring place for so many.  You are not only the glue that binds our campus community, but your collective efforts also create meaningful and often life-changing impacts on our students' lives. …

Continue reading Thank You!
Message to Campus

Dear WWU community, 

 As I shared earlier this week, we have reached a resolution with students from the WWU Divest Apartheid Coalition. I believe the agreement reflects the good faith discussions we’ve had with our students over the past several weeks and is consistent with Western’s values and core academic mission. The resolution includes a commitment to transparency regarding university investments, a new process for consideration of requests for…

Continue reading Encampment resolution and reflections
Message to Campus

Dear WWU Community, 

I’m writing to share that we have reached a resolution with the WWU Divest Apartheid Coalition. I look forward to sharing the final agreement with you on Friday. 

As part of this agreement, students involved with the encampment on Old Main lawn agreed to voluntarily end the encampment and depart by 5 p.m. tomorrow. We will continue to offer university support to ensure a safe environment for our entire campus community.

My sincere…

Continue reading Update on Encampment
Message to Campus

Dear WWU community,

I am pleased to share some good news. We have reached a tentative agreement with our new bargaining partners, the Western Academic Workers United (WAWU) Educational Student Employees. The agreement now advances to a ratification process, requiring approval from WAWU members and Western’s Board of Trustees.

I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to the student employees who played pivotal roles in representing WAWU or actively participating in the…

Continue reading Agreement Reached with WAWU
Message to Campus

Dear Western community, 

I am writing to share an update on our ongoing dialogue with students involved with the encampment on campus.

I understand that this is a difficult time for many in our campus community, and I take our student demonstrators’ calls to action very seriously. 

Again, it is important to recognize the significance of the issues driving the encampment. The humanitarian crisis in Gaza is tragic and demands urgent attention. We support the…

Continue reading Update on Ongoing Dialogue with Students Supporting Encampment
Message to Campus

Dear Western community, 

As you may be aware, a student encampment, similar to those which have emerged at universities across the country, has been established on Old Main lawn on WWU’s Bellingham campus. I first want to acknowledge the significance of the issues driving the encampment. The humanitarian crisis in Gaza demands urgent attention and thoughtful consideration, and I continue to be deeply moved by the genuine empathy and heartfelt concerns expressed by many of…

Continue reading Information and Resources Regarding Peaceful Encampment Demonstration
Message to Campus

Last week marked the end of the supplemental legislative session in Olympia, and, though it was a “short,” 60-day session, state lawmakers passed several bills into law, including some with impact to WWU and the students we serve.

Here’s a quick summary of new investments for Western coming out of the 2024 session:

  • $445,000 per year for Electrical and Computer Engineering degree program expansion
  • $400,000 for academic access and outreach programs
  • $…
Continue reading 2024 Legislative Session brings new investments to Western
Message to Campus

Dear WWU Community, 

February is Black History Month, an important time to honor the remarkable achievements and contributions of Black people in our communities and around the world. It is also a time to recognize the significant role Black communities continue to play in advancing the struggle for racial justice and equality.

This year’s theme is Back to B.L.A.C.K:  …

Continue reading Celebrating Black History Month
Message to Campus

Dear WWU Faculty and Staff,

Happy New Year! I hope you all found time to relax, recharge, and spend time with loved ones over the past few weeks. I write to convey my very best wishes and sincere thanks to all of you as we shift our momentum into the next calendar year. The past 12 months have been marked by noteworthy achievements, as well as unexpected challenges. As we reflect on 2023 and look ahead to a new year, I believe that we have many reasons to have…

Continue reading Welcome Back!
Message to Campus

Dear WWU Community,

It has come to my attention that information is circulating about a rally on campus planned for November 8 which includes the slogan “One Solution: Intifada Revolution.”  Intifada is an Arabic word meaning an uprising or rebellion, and it is specifically used to describe several periods of violent attacks against Israeli civilian targets, to protest Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza.…

Continue reading An Important Message on Community Safety