University Policy and Rules

This webpage provides access to all university policies and rules in effect at Western Washington University. Also, the site provides information about the process for the development and or revision, and review of university policies and the process to review, create, amend, or repeal Western’s Washington Administrative Code rules (Title 516 WAC).

  • University policies are mandatory actions that establish specific requirements for members of the campus community and ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations to achieve the mission of the university
  • Western’s Washington Administrative Code rules are intended to put the public on notice of government action that may affect them and includes any generally applicable rule adopted by WWU that either subjects a person to penalty for its violation, affects the requirements to obtain any benefit conferred by law, or that involves the conduct of formal administrative hearings.
Aerial view of Western's campus and Bellingham Bay

For additional information about policies and /or rules, please visit the links below.

Policy Directory

Mount Baker view at sunset with Bellingham in the foreground.

Find an existing University policy or procedure by subject or division.

Policy Development

Three people working together on a desktop

Learn how Policies are created.

Rules Docket

Cherry blossoms in the foreground, with the Old Main lawn in the background

See WAC rules that are actively in development or that have been adopted in the last 12 months.

Rules Development

A student holds a pad of paper above a laptop on a desk.

Discover how rules are developed and put into place.

Old Main from a distance, the landscaped grounds and trees in full bloom on a bluebird day.

Policy and Rules Review Group Charter

Learn more about the membership and group charter to understand how university polices and rules are reviewed.

Understanding the Review Group Charter



Policy Development

The development process starts with the responsible officer submitting a Policy Impact Statement to the University Policy Manager. The policy impact statement is presented to the University Policy and Rules Review Group for review and approval to proceed with the development of the policy. Policy drafts are developed by responsible officer in consultation with identified stakeholders and reviewed Technical Review Committee and the University community for a 30-day comment period. Final policy drafts are reviewed by University Policy and Rules Review Group, who make a recommendation to the President for approval. 

Please refer to the policy and procedures for additional information.


POL-U1000.10 Developing Maintaining and Cancelling University Policies

Visit the Policy website for additional information on policy development.





Rules Development

The rule creation, repeal, or amendment process begins with the responsible office submitting the appropriate rule making request to the rules coordinator.  Please refer to the policy and procedures below to determine which form/s to use and procedure to follow.

POL-U1000.11 Developing and Maintaining University Provisions of the Washington Administrative Code


Director, University Policy

Dolapo Akinrinade
OM 409, MS 9044
(360) 650-2728

University Rules Coordinator

Jennifer Sloan
OM 400A, MS-9044
(360) 650-3117