Proposed - Chapter 516-45 WAC, Institutional Loans

University Personnel Responsible for the Proposed Rule



Joyce Lopes, Vice President for Business & Financial Affairs
Melynda Huskey, Vice President for Enrollment & Student Services
Bob Putich, Director, Student Business Office


516 High Street

Bellingham, WA 98225-9044

Subject of Proposed Rule:

New WAC chapter to establish long term emergency loans

Washington State Register Citations:

Washington State Register (WSR) Citations
Filing WSR #
CR-101 WSR 22-14-044 (July 20, 2022)

Written Submissions Regarding the Proposed Rule

Person Accepting Submissions:

Jennifer Sloan
Rules Coordinator
Western Washington University
516 High Street, MS 9044
Bellingham, WA 98225-9015

Date When Submissions Accepted:

June 27, 2022 -

Location for Proposed Rule Inspection:

Old Main 400A, WWU, Bellingham, WA

Timetable for Proposed Rule:

Timetable for Proposed Rule
Action Date
CR-101 Filed June 27, 2022