All Communications

Message to Campus

Dear WWU Community,

It has come to my attention that information is circulating about a rally on campus planned for November 8 which includes the slogan “One Solution: Intifada Revolution.”  Intifada is an Arabic word meaning an uprising or rebellion, and it is specifically used to describe several periods of violent attacks…

Read more about An Important Message on Community Safety

Message to Campus

Dear Western community, 

I continue to hear from members of our community about their struggles to make sense of the atrocities committed in the Israel-Hamas war and its impact on their lives and their concerns for personal safety and those of their loved ones. 

I want you to know that I too continue to be…

Read more about Thinking of your safety and wellbeing

Message to Campus

We are saddened by the horrific violence taking place in Israel and Gaza and the atrocities that are being committed, including the senseless loss of civilian life. Even though the conflict is occurring on the other side of the globe, its impacts are being felt locally in our communities. We have many students, faculty, staff, alumni, and other…

Read more about Statement on the Israel-Hamas War from WWU President Sabah Randhawa


Good morning!

Thank you for joining us. Uzma and I extend our warmest greetings and heartfelt welcome to each and every one of you. Whether you have been at Western for decades or have just joined us, it’s an honor to see you here and a pleasure to know all the ways you make our academic community vibrant and dynamic.

Each Fall…

Read more about 2023 State of the University Address Transcript

Message to Campus

Dear Colleagues,

I write to provide you with a budget update, including the decisions we need to institute to ensure the University is on a sustainable budget pathway. First, some context, followed by actions we are instituting for the balance of the current academic year and the upcoming 2023-24 academic year.

The University’s…

Read more about Budget Update