In fiscal year (FY) 2022, the University’s overall financial position increased by $33.4 million primarily due to increased operating revenues generated as the COVID-19 pandemic waned, combined with a change in the Department of Retirement Systems (DRS) pension reporting, and revenue recognition of FY 2021 Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds (HEERF).

Total operating revenues increased $43.7 million in FY 2022 primarily due to the Housing and Dining system being fully functioning to provide student services along with a 2.8% increase in tuition operating fees.

WWU was provided a total of $64.0 million in HEERF I, II, and III funds. Of the $64.0 million, $27.7 million are to be used to provide emergency financial aid grants to students for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations. The remaining $36.3 million was used to cover any costs associated with significant changes to the delivery of instruction. As of June 30, 2022, $24.7 million has been spent on financial aid grants to students and $34.9 million to reimburse WWU for allowable expenses and lost revenue.

During FY 2022, salaries and wages increased $12.7 million as

all employees received wage and retroactive pay increases combined with an increase in student employees as the COVID 19 hiring freeze was lifted. Overall benefits expense decreased $5.9 million (-13.6%) primarily due to decreases in actuarially calculated pension expenses offset by an increase in Other Post Employment Benefits (OPEB) expenses.

Western's Newest Building: Kaiser Borsari Hall

Western's newest building, the future home of electrical and computer engineering, energy science, and computer science programs, will be the first publicly funded zero-energy academic building on a university campus in Washington state.

Construction is under way with support beams made of glue-laminated timber, sustainably harvested with a much smaller carbon footprint than concrete and steel beams

Building Washington's Future

To learn more about Kaiser Borsari Hall, visit

construction site featuring a crane and rows of support beams

Kaiser Borsari Hall is going up next to the Communications Building.

Total Assets vs. Net Position

Bar chart, X-axis is years 2018-22, Y-axis is dollars. 2018 total assets $643,846, net position $343,186. 2019 total assets $628,495, net position $328,562. 2020 total assets $679,998, total position $314,747. 2021 total assets $740,305, net position $366,121. 2022 total assets $735,074, total position $398,476

Total Revenues by Source for the Year Ended June 30, 2022

$379,542 (in thousands)

Donut chart: Tuition and fees $116,138 (31%), State appropriations - operating $98,339 (26%), Auxiliary Enterprises - Net $60,534 (16%), Grants and Contracts $81,661 (21%), State Appropriations - Capital $16,113 (4%), Sales & Services of Educational Activities $2,492 (1%), Other Capital Revenues $4,562 (1%), Other $261 (0%)

Total Expenses by Natural Classification for the Year Ended June 30, 2022

$346,187 (in thousands)

Donut chart. Salaries $185,221 (48%), Supplies $47,091 (17%), Benefits $37,091 (16%), Depreciation $26,931 (8%), Scholarships $34,359 (6%), Utilities $6,528 (2%), Purchased & Personal Services $6,867 (2%), Interest and Other $2,099 (1%)