Welcome to the 2022/2023 School Year!

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Dear Western Students,

Welcome to a new school year!

We are pleased to welcome you, whether for the first time, or as you return for another academic year! There is so much to be excited about this year.

Western exists to make a positive impact on the state of Washington and the world--to make waves. And we do that by focusing on academic excellence and inclusive achievement. In the coming year, your success in and out of the classroom is our top priority. As the long challenge of the pandemic recedes, we are returning with new insights and expectations for face-to-face, in-person learning and engagement. We hope you are as excited about that as we are! There will be so many opportunities in the coming year for engagement and connection.

Supporting your successful journey through Western—from the first day you walk into the classroom, to the day you receive your diploma at graduation, and beyond—is our primary mission, and it’s a commitment shared by more than 2,000 faculty and staff serving in a wide variety of roles.  Please know there are many resources at Western to support you in your journey, from academic and career counseling, to mental health and wellness, and myriad ways to participate in Western’s vibrant campus life.  

You will hear a lot about accessibility, diversity, equity, and inclusion, or ADEI, in your time at Western.   We can more fully recognize our individual and collective potential if we are able to recognize and celebrate our differences and learn from one another.  One of our key institutional goals is to ensure that Western fosters a caring and supportive environment where all members are respected and treated fairly.

Each one of you is a valuable member of our university community, and we are always curious to know what we can be doing to make the student experience better.  Please look for opportunities throughout the year to join us for conversation and lunch in the Viking Union.  It’s an opportunity to grab a bite to eat on us and for you to share your experiences at Western.  And please don’t hesitate to say hello and introduce yourself if you see us walking around campus.  We are always eager to learn how different students experience Western, and how we can better serve your needs.

We wish you a successful and joyful year of learning, growth and fun. We are here to support you in achieving your goals. And we are so glad you are here!

Sabah Randhawa, President                                                      

Melynda Huskey, Vice President for Enrollment & Student Services