Welcome to the 2016-17 School Year at Western

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Dear Western Students:

Although the official start of classes is still several weeks away, I want to take advantage of this quiet time to personally welcome you to the 2016-17 school year at Western! Like many of you, I am also new to this wonderful university and to Bellingham, having just started my official duties as president on August 1. My wife Uzma and I have enjoyed learning our way around campus and our new hometown, meeting new people, and learning firsthand what makes Western and Bellingham such a special place to live and learn. 

In the coming weeks you will be on the receiving end of a blizzard of information, and no doubt have some apprehensions about the start of the year, whether it`s your first year at Western or your last. Please know that Western cares about you and is invested in your health and success. I hope you take the time to cultivate new friends and engage in campus activities and in our community. And, please ask for help if you need it; the entire Western community is here to serve you.

I want to thank you for choosing Western and being part of our community. And if you see me walking around campus or out in the community, please come over and introduce yourself.

Have a great year,


Sabah Randhawa, President