Update on FY22 Professional Staff Compensation Increase

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Over the course of the past year and throughout the public health crisis, Western’s faculty and staff have done an excellent job in delivering on the mission of the university and demonstrating incredible adaptability. I am appreciative of our employees’ commitment to our students and community. This particular communication pertains to compensation for professional staff.

As you’ll recall, the Legislature provided funds for the University to cover part of the cost associated with salary increases budgeted for 2020 for faculty and non-represented employees to mirror the increases provided to classified employees through the University’s collective bargaining agreements. The compensation funding, held back because of the potential of the health pandemic’s impact on the state’s budget, has now been restored. Therefore, consistent with the professional staff compensation program, we are moving forward with a 3% across-the-board pay increase and years-in-position increases for eligible professional staff as we move into Fiscal Year 2022 beginning on July 1. Specific details for each professional staff member will be communicated personally from HR no later than July 19.

Faculty increases will be based on agreement between the University and the United Faculty of Western Washington; however, the bargaining process is not yet complete.  Additionally, decisions regarding increases to the compensation for executive positions will be made at a later date. 

Also, while performance evaluations were suspended last year due to the challenges of the pandemic, I strongly encourage all managers to engage their direct reports in the performance management process. All employees are entitled to receive feedback on their performance and the annual review is an opportunity to recognize accomplishments and challenges and set a shared vision and professional development opportunities for the year ahead. 

Again, thank you for everything you have done and are doing to provide outstanding education and advance institutional priorities.
