A Summer Message

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Dear Western Community: I hope you are enjoying the summer and finding an opportunity to relax, take on new adventures or projects, or just indulge in a good book. Over the past two months I have had the opportunity to meet with President Shepard, the Vice Presidents, and student, faculty, and staff leaders to learn about Western and to better understand its culture and operations. While I am still at the beginning of my Western education, what I have learned has only deepened my initial impression of and appreciation for Western's enduring focus on student success and commitment to the greater public good. That sense of shared purpose can only come from a strong culture of caring and nurturing which attracts and is sustained by like-minded people. It's certainly what attracted me to Western, and it's one of the many reasons my wife Uzma and I are so excited to become part of your community on August 1. Before then, however, I want to again recognize the extraordinary leadership of President Bruce Shepard and Cyndie Shepard, and thank them for everything they have done for Western over the past eight years. You know better than I the challenges Western has overcome since 2008, the ways that it has become stronger and more effective in serving its mission, and the strides that have been taken to create a more accessible and inclusive campus under their leadership. Western's bright future in all of these areas would not be possible without the foundation that they have helped to lay. I would also like to express my gratitude to Provost Brent Carbajal for serving as interim president for the month of July while Uzma and I complete our move to Bellingham. I look forward to working with Brent and the other Vice Presidents, and with all of you. Finally, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to serve as Western's next president, and reiterate what an honor it is to serve Western with you. Sincerely, Sabah Randhawa Thursday, June 30, 2016