Have a Safe and Happy Halloween!

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Dear Western students,

As you are preparing to have a great time on Halloween weekend, we’d like to take this opportunity to remind you to take care of yourselves, take care of each other, and be good neighbors in your interactions with the greater Bellingham community. 

We hope and expect that you will make good decisions this weekend, but we encourage you to think about more than just your own choices.  Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, make sure to be looking out for each other, too.  These are your friends and classmates.  Every single Western student’s health and safety is important, and it’s up to all of us to ensure that.

If you see someone at a party, downtown, in the dorms, or walking across campus, who is in a bad situation or heading toward one, we challenge you to take action. There are many resources to help them get the help that they need—anything from directions back to their dorm, the Late Night Shuttle, a safe escort from the Green Coats service, or help getting to the hospital in extreme cases. Sometimes just a friendly “are you OK?” can head off small problems before they become big ones, and ensure that everyone gets home safely.  

If you live off-campus and decide to have a party, please be respectful of your neighbors and use common sense in keeping things under control. And if you’re going out on the town, think ahead about how to ensure a good time for everyone.  We encourage you to check out these useful tips about hosting a house party and going out on the Off Campus Living website.

One of the best things about Western is our strong sense of community. But community doesn’t just happen—community is created and sustained, every day, by each of us.

The bottom line is: take care of each other. We have all the confidence that you will be there for each other this weekend and throughout your time at Western.

Have fun and stay safe,

Stephanie Cheng, AS President

Sabah Randhawa, WWU President