Excited & Grateful to be at Western

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Dear Western Community:

This morning I arrived for my official first day at Western, and I can’t overstate how excited I am to finally be at work here on campus.  Since we moved to Bellingham two weeks ago, Uzma and I have been getting to know our way around, enjoying the beautiful summer evenings in Boulevard Park, and generally attending to all the little details of daily life one must after a move.  Last week I also attended a new presidents workshop hosted by the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU).  I was pleased to observe that AASCU and other institutional leaders hold Western in high regard.

I’d again like to thank Provost Brent Carbajal for his service as interim president throughout the month of July.  In addition to allowing time for our move, this has afforded me the opportunity to continue learning about Western’s culture and operations by meeting with the vice presidents and other campus leaders, an ongoing education which will be greatly enriched by the return of students and faculty in September.

My other top priority for the month of August will be building relationships both on and off campus, including a full schedule of meetings with legislators, educational and community leaders, and other partners and friends of Western around the state.

One thing that has already become clear to Uzma and me is that Western and Bellingham are part of the same intertwined, friendly community.  I am honored to have the opportunity to serve Western.  I look forward to connecting and to working with you to advance Western.




Sabah Randhawa

Western Washington University

